Adult Ministries — Encounter Community Church

Adult Ministries

In addition to our Life Groups, Encounter offers a variety of activities, events, and groups specifically geared toward adult men and women throughout the year. Listed here are our regular events and we offer, but we occasionally host other events for adults as well. These are informal groups that function like Life Groups, but are geared specifically toward either men or women.

Current Groups:

Men's Breakfast
Third Saturday of every month @ 8:00am
Encounter Community Church
1213 W. State St, Belding, MI 48809

Calling all men! This is a great opportunity to not only share a great meal together, but also to connect with other believers and to encourage each other in your walk with God. See you there!

Women's Breakfast
Fourth Saturday of every month @ 8:00am
Encounter Community Church
1213 W. State St, Belding, MI 48809

Join the women of Encounter as we share a short testimony, ideas for future events and lots of laughs. Oh, and don’t forget the amazing food. Be sure to bring a dish to pass and join us! You won’t be sorry.

All Men are encouraged and welcome to attend our monthly Knockout Nights. We always have great food, fellowship and experience sharing life as Godly men together!