Women's Breakfast
Start time is 8:00AM and please bring a dish to pass. This is a great event for women of all ages. See you there!
Start time is 8:00AM and please bring a dish to pass. This is a great event for women of all ages. See you there!
Our monthly Children's Pantry Diaper Drive happens on the 4th Sunday of each month!
We are asking our church body to bring donations of new un-opened diapers to Encounter from during our regular services on Sunday morning. Your donations will be distributed by our Children’s Pantry to those in need right here in our community.
Join us for updates on our church. Learn about where we have been, where we are going, and the role you play in it all! Instead of a potluck, we will be serving light refreshments. See you there!
If you are interested in becoming a member of Encounter Community church, please put February 2, 2025, on your calendar for our membership class. Class will be held at Encounter at 7:45 AM
Could you use some help with diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, clothing, formula and many other items for your family? Come visit our children's pantry today from 9:00-11:00AM & 5:30-7:30PM.
We would love to meet you!
Visit our webpage for more information at http://encountercommunitychurch.org/cares
If you live in Belding and need transportation, you can get a free ride through the city's Dial-A-Ride program. Visit https://belding.mi.us/dial_a_ride.php for more information.
Could you use some help with diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, clothing, formula and many other items for your family? Come visit our children's pantry today from 9:00-11:00AM & 5:30-7:30PM.
We would love to meet you!
Visit our webpage for more information at http://encountercommunitychurch.org/cares
If you live in Belding and need transportation, you can get a free ride through the city's Dial-A-Ride program. Visit https://belding.mi.us/dial_a_ride.php for more information.
Join us for a night of food and fellowship and a personal testimony!
Are you a hand? Are you a foot? Are you an ear? Spiritual gifts are separate from natural skills and abilities. The purpose of learning your spiritual gifts is not to just find a place to serve in ministry at church, it’s about discovering what drives you; discovering what you’re passionate about. It’s about learning who God created you to be.
Register here for this class today. Deadline for registration is February 21, 2025.
Could you use some help with diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, clothing, formula and many other items for your family? Come visit our children's pantry today from 9:00-11:00AM & 5:30-7:30PM.
We would love to meet you!
Visit our webpage for more information at http://encountercommunitychurch.org/cares
If you live in Belding and need transportation, you can get a free ride through the city's Dial-A-Ride program. Visit https://belding.mi.us/dial_a_ride.php for more information.
Could you use some help with diapers, wipes, clothing, formula and many other items for your family? Come visit our children's pantry today from 9:00-11:00AM & 5:30-7:30PM.
We would love to meet you!
Visit our webpage for more information at http://encountercommunitychurch.org/cares
If you live in Belding and need transportation, you can get a free ride through the city's Dial-A-Ride program. Visit https://belding.mi.us/dial_a_ride.php for more information.
Free blood pressure checks sponsored by our Senior Ministry. Will be available in the church lobby before and after service.
Join in on Euchre Night at Encounter on January 18, from 6-9pm! This event is hosted and sponsored by the Seasoned Saints Ministry.
Register for Euchre Night at Guest Services!
Calling all men! This is a great opportunity to not only share a great meal together, but also to connect with other believers and to encourage each other in your walk with God. Don’t forget to bring a dish to pass. See you there!