Giving — Encounter Community Church



why giving is so important to encounter community church

When you give, you are partnering with us to be an access point for people to discover Jesus Christ, realize their purpose, and begin to live in that purpose. Giving is a principle and a value that is taught throughout the entire Bible. When we tithe and give, we are expressing worship in a tangible way by putting God first in our lives, all while allowing us to be a part of the most important work in life that is spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ!


Church Planting: We believe that the number one vehicle God is using to transform culture today is the local church. It is because of this belief that we strive to help plant local churches all over the world. Encounter gives 10% of its annual income towards church planting. We will not only train and send people out but we have also partnered with the Greenhouse Church Planting Network in which new churches are being planted every year.

Community Outreach: Encounter’s outreach exists to help people encounter Jesus, know His love! We create those opportunities through being actively involved in our surrounding community and the world at large. We take strategic steps to most effectively connect with those who are far from God and in need of His mighty touch in their lives. Through careful planning and prayerful consideration we reach out to our community in ways that will not only meet an immediate need but help to create sustainable transformation through a thriving relationship with Christ.

Baby & Children’s Pantry: At Encounter we house a pantry that supplies many of the essential needs for young families that are finding it difficult to make ends meet. Our pantry supplies clothing, diapers, baby wipes, formula, shoes, and much more items to bridge the gap. We have helped over 300 families and single parents in the past ten years by giving them a sense of hope and relief. We are so thankful that God has giving us this mission and we plan to continually be the hands and feet of Jesus in this way for years to come.


Not having cash or check on hand doesn’t have to hold you back from giving, you can give today online. To do this, please click the button at the top of this page, to submit your one-time or recurring gift. You can also give to Encounter Community Church at our gatherings on Sundays or by mail. If you would like to mail in your finances, please make out the check to Encounter Community Church and mail it directly to:

Encounter Community Church
1213 W. State St
Belding, MI 48809


Thank you so much for your faithfulness and generosity in partnering with us to see the Gospel advanced hear in West Michigan and beyond. There is no organization with more potential to change the world than the local church! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email.