watch past messages

Stand Alone Messages - Sermon Series

1.30.2021 - Sacrifice For Us - Darren Signs

1_23_22 Stand Alone - "Start Running" Austin Gay

1.16.2021 -You’re A Child-Start Acting Like One - Pastor Peter McNaught

1.9.2021 -Truth be Told - Pastor Darren Signs

1.2.2021 -Blessed to Kneel - Pastor Peter McNaught

12.26.2021 - Pastor Rob

The Gift Exchange - Sermon Series

12.19.2021 - The Gift Exchange SERIES, "Your Life For His" with Rob Lawrence

12.12.2021 - The Gift Exchange SERIES, "Hurt for Healing" with Darren Signs

11.28.2021 - The Gift Exchange SERIES, "Worry for Peace" with Darren Signs

11.28.2021 - The Gift Exchange SERIES, "Unbelief for Belief" with Darren Signs

Unstoppable - Sermon Series

11.21.2021 - "Counting the Cost" and Interview with Lee and Jen

11.14.2021 - Sermon Series UNSTOPPABLE - "Influence" - Acts 28:1-31

11.7.2021 - Sermon Series UNSTOPPABLE - "Counting the Cost" - Acts 20:22-24

10.17.2021 - Sermon Series UNSTOPPABLE - ""Witnessing" - Acts 8:1-40" - with Pastor Rob Lawrence

10.17.2021 - Sermon Series UNSTOPPABLE - "Overcoming, Acts 4 1-5,11" - with Pastor Rob Lawrence

10.17.2021 - Sermon Series UNSTOPPABLE - "The Church" - with Pastor Rob Lawrence

10.10.2021 - Sermon Series Unstoppable - "Empowerment" - Acts 1:1-26 - with Pastor Rob Lawrence

End of Your Rope - Sermon Series

10.03.2021 - Sermon - Intimacy With God - with Pastor Rob Lawrence

09.26.2021 - Sermon - God’s Presence- with Pastor Rob Lawrence

09.19.2021 - Sermon - PAIN & SUFFERING - with Pastor Rob Lawrence

Road Trip - Sermon Series

09.05.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- with Pastor Nate Smith

09.05.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- "Who Fixed the Roof" with Pastor Ed Routson

08.25.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- "Relative Faith" with Pastor Darren Signs

08.08.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- "Living an unwavering life" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

08.15.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- "Life Happens" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

08.08.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- "The Blessing of Hardship" with Pastor Darren Signs

08.1.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- "Break Point" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

07.11.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- "Out of the furnace" with Pastor Peter McNaught

07.18.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- "Learning to Wait" with Pastor Sarah Esquivel

07.04.2021 - Sermon Series ROAD TRIP- "Freedom from the Dry-lot " with Pastor Darren Signs


06.27.2021 - Sermon Series GREATER THAN - "Greater Than" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

06.20.2021 - Sermon Series GREATER THAN - "Our Vision" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

06.13.2021 - Sermon Series GREATER THAN - "Our Mission" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

06•06•2021- Sermon Series GREATER THAN- "Our Purpose” with Pastor Rob Lawrence

05.30.2021 - "Where the Map Ends... The Adventure Begins" - Pastor Edwin Routson

05.23.2021 - "Trust" with Pastor Peter McNaught

The Covenant - Sermon Series

05.09.2021 - Sermon Series THE COVENANT - "Truth In Love" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

05.02.2021 - Sermon Series THE COVENANT - "Irreconcilable" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

04.11.2021 - Sermon Series THE COVENANT - "Who's on First?" with Pastor Darren Signs

04.11.2021 - Sermon Series THE COVENANT - "Who's on First?" with Pastor Darren Signs

04.11.2021 - Sermon Series “The Covenant”


04.04.2021 - Easter Sunday Service - Pastor Rob Lawrence


03.28.2021 - ABOUT FACE Series "About Face" with Pastor Darren Signs

03.21.2021 - ABOUT FACE Series "Otherology" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

03.07.2021 - ABOUT FACE series "Humble Brag" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

03.07.2021 - ABOUT FACE series "Becoming Aware of the Offended Self" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

02.28.2021 - ABOUT FACE Series "Picture Perfect" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

02.21.2021 - ABOUT FACE Series "Meology" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

02.07.2021 - ABOUT FACE Series "You Determine Your Truth" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

02.07.2021 - ABOUT FACE "Tackling the God of Self" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

soul SHIFT - sermon series

01.31.2021 - SOUL SHIFT Series "Call" with Pastor Darren Signs
01.24.2021 - SOUL SHIFT Series "Healing" with Pastor Darren Signs
01.17.2020 - SOUL SHIFT Series "Wound" with Pastor Rob Lawrence
01.10.2021 - "Story" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

01.03.2021 - "New Year's Service" with Pastor Ed Routson
12.27.2020 - "Seek And You Will Find" with Pastor Nate Smith

Advent - sermon series

12.20.2020 - "Christmas Service" with Pastor Rob Lawrence
12.13.2020 - "Peace to All" with Pastor Darren Signs
12.6.2020 - "Christ in You" with Pastor Darren Signs
11.29.2020 - "Hope's Purpose" with Pastor Darren Signs


11.22.2020 - "unGOSPEL" with Pastor Rob Lawrence & Darren Signs
11.15.2020 - "unGODLY" with Pastor Rob Lawrence
11.08.2020 - "unMORAL" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

11.01.2020 - "unFORGIVEN" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

10.25.2020 - "unCHURCH" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

10.18.2020 - "unFAMILY" with Pastor Rob Lawrence
10.11.2020 - "unACCOUNTABLE" with Pastor Rob Lawrence
10.04.2020 - "unCHRISTIAN" with Pastor Rob Lawrence
09.27.2020 - "unCOMMON" with Pastor Rob Lawrence


09.20.2020 - Guest Speaker Austin Gay
09.13.2020 - Guest Speakers Pete & Claire McNaught
08.30.2020 - WE ARE ENCOUNTER - "Celebration" with Pastor Darren Signs

we are encounter - sermon series

08.30.2020 - WE ARE ENCOUNTER - "Celebration" with Pastor Darren Signs
08.23.2020 - WE ARE ENCOUNTER - "Over-the-Top Generosity" with Pastor Darren Signs
08.16.2020 - WE ARE ENCOUNTER - "Joyful Fun" with Pastor Darren Signs
08.09.2020 - WE ARE ENCOUNTER - "Humility" with Pastor Edwin Routson
08.02.2020 - WE ARE ENCOUNTER - "Intentional Positivity" with Pastor Darren Signs
07.26.2020 - WE ARE ENCOUNTER - "Relational Discipleship" with Pastor Darren Signs
07.19.2020 - WE ARE ENCOUNTER - "Honest Communication" with Pastor Darren Signs

PROOF OF LIFE - Sermon Series

07.05.2020 - PROOF OF LIFE - "Battle Ready: Stand Your Ground" with Pastor Rob Lawrence
07.05.2020 - PROOF OF LIFE - "Know What You Want" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

PROOF OF LIFE - "Stand Your Ground" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

06.21.2020 - PROOF OF LIFE - "Don't Hold Back" with Pastor Rob Lawrence
06.14.2020 - PROOF OF LIFE - "Choose The Future" with Pastor Rob Lawrence
06.07.2020 - PROOF OF LIFE - "The Point of No Return" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

Multiplication Sundays - Sermon Series

05.31.2020 - "Multiplication Sunday #2" with Pastor Rob Lawrence and Nate Smith

05.24.2020 - "Multiplication Sunday #1" with Pastor Sarah Esquivel


05.17.2020 - "Embracing Your Identity" with Pastor Darren Signs

05.3.2020 - "Identity - Who I Am"" with Darren Signs

05.10.2020 - "Who I am in Christ" with Pastor Darren Signs


04.26.2020 - "No Other Gods" with Pastor Rob Lawrence

04.19.2020 - "Divine Disruption" with Tony Evans


04.12.2020 - Easter Service

04.10.2020 - Good Friday Service


04.05.2020 - "Find Your Tribe" with Rob Lawrence
03.29.2020 - "The Best of the Best" with Rob Lawrence

03.22.2020 - “The Future is in People” with Rob Lawrence

03.15.2020 - "Closer Than A Brother" with Rob Lawrence
03.08.2020 - "Expendables" with Rob Lawrence
03.01.2020 - "No Lone Survivors" with Rob Lawrence


02.23.2020 - "Celebration" with Rob Lawrence

02.16.2020 - "Restored" with Darren Signs

02.09.2020 - "Legacy" with Rob Lawrence
01.26.2020 - "Responsibility" with Rob Lawrence
01.26.2020 - "Set Apart" with Darren Signs
01.19.2020 - "Never Again" with Rob Lawrence


01.05.2019 - "Prison Campus Update" with Nate Smith
12.29.2019 - "New Year and New Beginnings" with Edwin Routson